Hotel News / 28 August 2015
Adopt a rhino at The Peninsula
Throwing down the charity gauntlet to hotels across South Africa is The Peninsula All-Suite Hotel which has put its support behind the Wilderness Foundation’s Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative.
Driven by The Peninsula’s staff, the charity initiative sees guests given an opportunity to adopt a fluffy rhino by simply adding R150 to their bill, contributing to the Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative programme launched in response to the rhino poaching crisis and to raise awareness of the plight of the world’s rhino population.
The Peninsula All-Suite Hotel is encouraging its loyal guests to adopt one of our “orphaned” baby rhinos and together help us try everything possible to protect this iconic species. “We are also calling on our fellow hoteliers countrywide to join the initiative,” says GM Chris Godenir, highlighting that at least six properties in the Dream Hotel and Resorts property will be participating. At present a rhino is poached every eight hours in South Africa.
Among the projects for which funds are being raised is the establishment of air support for rhino poaching initiative. The Peninsula All-Suite’s fundraising activities are centered around this initiative which will see the Wilderness Foundation purchase a BatHawk aircraft deployed to key Eastern Cape rhino hotspot reserves and Niassa National Park in Mozambique for anti-poaching activities.