"watch" your way around SA

News / 1 September 2016


It could take a lifetime to spot all South Africa’s birds ,there are over 900 of them. But even if you’re only here for a short birding visit, you’ll still be able to tick off plenty while bird-watching.

Birding in South Africa is amazing, whether you're on safari, cruising round the Cape Winelands, hiking in the Drakensberg or sunning yourself by the sea, you won't be far from bird-watching opportunities.

Many birders come for the endemics, those species found in southern Africa and nowhere else. The blue crane, Cape vulture, black oystercatcher and ground woodpecker are among those 113 endemics.

If you're in the Kruger National Park, look out not only for the Big Five, but also the Big Six birds: the lappet-faced vulture, martial eagle, saddle-billed stork, kori bustard, ground hornbill and Pel's fishing-owl. And watch the oxpeckers busily hoovering up ticks and insects from the hides of antelope, buffalo and giraffe.

If you're in Cape Town, birder or not, a visit to the penguin colony at Simon's Town's Boulders Beach is non-negotiable. To see these highly endangered, totally loveable little birds at rest and play will be a highlight.