don't let the cold slow you down

News / 6 May 2016

Warm up with some Winter activities

Though getting cozy is mandatory… Don’t slow down to a crawl. Create a winter warm up with these activities

The Elephant coast route

The warmer, temperate climate of the Kwa-Zulu Natal coastline is the perfect place to enjoy some winter sunshine and the Elephant Coast Route is our pick for this region.The route stretches from St Lucia in the south to Kosi Bay in the north, across to the Lubombo Mountains in the west and includes the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Game Reserve.

Trail running & mountain biking

Cape Town is home to those with an adventurous spirit. Not surprising when you consider what they have to explore. Mountain biking and trail-running are popular past-times for the locals and visitors with a vast array or routes to choose from. The trails also differ markedly in terrain, from the rocky single-tracks of Silvermine to the thick, lush forest below in Tokai. Just make sure you find out your route beforehand, because we wouldn’t want your adventure stretching too long...

Game Safari

It is during this season and into spring that it’s considered the best time to go on safari. Many trees and shrubs lose their leaves, the grass drops and becomes grazed and so the visibility increases dramatically. The surface water (pans and puddles) that were present in the summer months dry out and game movements become a little more predictable.