sizzling summer hacks

News / 20 October 2016

5 Sizzling Summer Hacks

Summer has arrived and with it comes the opportunity to explore South Africa in all its glorious splendour. As the perfect traveller, how are you preparing to spend your leisure lifestyle under the South African sun? Make the most of your holiday with our 5 stress-free summer hacks:

1. Keep it Simple – Know What You Want
Indecision can be the root of all anxiety when planning any holiday. Get clear on what you want, what you’re willing to spend your time and money doing, and with whom you’re willing to spend that time with. When you’re in alignment with your wants and desires, the rest of your planning will come easily.

2. Be Organised
Take the bulk of your holiday stress away by properly planning before you depart. Research the various activities and sights available to you during your stay and prepare a wish list of all the things you’d like to see and do on your holiday.

3. Apply and Protect
Sunscreen is a life saver for us all – make sure you lather up to protect against the sizzling SA sun this summer. Nothing can ruin a holiday quite like severe sunburn…and just in case you forget, keep some after-sun close at hand!

4. Forget the Worrying
We spend so much time worrying about our holidays being perfect; worrying about if everyone is happy and having a good time. Set aside your worries and try to be fully present in each moment to get maximum enjoyment from your trip!

5. Capture the Memories
Charge up those batteries and clear that memory card. A summer breakaway without memories to look back on is a moment lost in time – don’t forget to bring your camera!

Summer is yours for the taking in 2016 – get out there and find your wanderlust!