Making a career choice is one of the most important and difficult decisions we will ever make in our lives. Determining what's right for you as an individual takes much thought and deliberation - We are here to assist you in making the correct decision. Join us at one of our Open Days:
Upcoming Open Day Dates: 28 April 2017, 20 May 2017; 27 May 2017; 1 July 2017
Open Day programme:
Starts 10:00am | |
- Arrival Tea & coffee | |
- Facility Tour | |
- Presentations | |
- Interviews with parents and potential students | |
Finish 12:00pm |
*Please bring parent and student ID's
If you are interested please contactMagda - marketing@dreamhotelschool.co.za
Tel: +27 (0)23 614 1150 ext. 413
Cell: +27 (0)71 192 9186 | +27(82) 829 9863